

張博堯 副教授


張博堯 副教授

Po-Yao Chang 




研究領域: 凝聚態物理 (理論)



  1. 美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校博士(2009/09~2015/07)
  2. 國立清華大學物理碩士(2006/09~2008/07)
  3. 國立清華大學物理學士(2002/09~2006/07)
     現職:國立清華大學物理系助理教授(2019/02~ )

  1. 德國馬克斯普朗克研究院物理複雜系統訪問學者(MPIPKS, Germany, 2018/07~2019/01)
  2. 美國羅格斯大學博士後研究員 (Rutgers University, USA, 2015/08~2018/07)
  1. 拓樸絕緣體,半金屬,超導體 (Topological phases)
  2. 量子糾纏 (Quantum entanglement)
  3. 量子非平衡態 (Non-equilibrium quantum systems)
  4. 量子關聯系統 (Strongly correlated systems)
Updated on December 16, 2021
  1. Yi-Ting Tu, Po-Yao Chang, Non-Abelian fraton order from gauging a mixture of subsystem and global symmetries, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043084 (2021)
  2. Hsiu-Chuan Hsu, Pok-Man Chiu, Po-Yao Chang, Disorder-induced topology in quench dynamics, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033242 (2021)
  3. Po-Yao Chang, Jhih-Shih You, Xueda Wen, Shinsei Ryu, Entanglement spectrum and entropy in topological non-Hermitian systems and non-unitary conformal field theories, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033069 (2020)
  4. Guan-Yu Chen, Angus Huang, Yen-Hui Lin, Chai-Ju Chen, Deng-Sung Lin, Po-Yao Chang, Horng-Tay Jeng, Gustav Bihlmayer, Pin-Jui Hsu, Orbital-enhanced Warping Effect in Px, Py-derived Rashba Spin Splitting of Monatomic Bismuth Surface Alloy, npj Quantum Materials 5, 89 (2020)
  5. Jun Yong Khoo, Po-Yao Chang, Falko Pientka, Inti Sodemann, Quantum Paracrystalline Shear Modes of the Electron Liquid, Phys. Rev. B 102, 085437 (2020)
  6. Zhiwei Li, Yuee Xie, Po-Yao Chang, Yuanping Chen, Interlocking nodal chains and examples in carbon networks, Carbon 157, 563-569 (2020)
  7. Po-Yao Chang, Xiao Chen, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, J. H. Pixley, Evolution of entanglement speatra under generic quantum dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 190602 (2019)
  8. Yuee Xie, Jin Cai, Jinwoong Kim, Po-Yao Chang, Yuanping Chen, Hopf-chain networks evolved form triple points, Phys. Rev. B 99, 165147 (2019)
  9. Po-Yao Chang, Su-Kuan Chu, Chen-Te Ma, Bell's Inequality, Generalized Concurrence and Entanglement in Qubit, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 34, 1950032 (2019)
  10. Jin Cai,Yuee Xie, Po-Yao Chang, Heung-Sik Kim, Yuanping Chen, Nodal chain network, intersecting nodal rings and triple points coexisting in Ba3Si4, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 21177-21183 (2018)
  11. Po-Yao Chang, Topology and entanglement in quench dynamics, arXiv: 1804.10625,  Phys. Rev. B 97, 224304 (2018)
  12. Yuanping Chen, Yan Gao, Yuee Xie, Po-Yao Chang, Shengbai Zhang, David Vanderbilt, Nexus network in Carbon honeycombs, Phys. Rev. Materials. 2, 044205 (2018)
  13. Po-Yao Chang, Piers Coleman, Parity-violating hybridization in heavy Weyl semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 97, 155134, (2018).
  14. Yan Gao, Yuanping Chen, Yuee Xie, Po-Yao Chang, Marvin L. Cohen, Shengbai Zhang, A Class of topological nodal rings and its realization in carbon networks, Phys. Rev. B 96, 121108 (R), (2018).
  15. Po-Yao Chang, Chuck-Hou Yee, Weyl-link semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 96, 081114 (R), (2017).
  16. Onur Erten, Po-Yao Chang, Piers Coleman, Alexei Tsvelik, Skyrme insulators: insulators at the brink of superconductivity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 057603 (2017).
  17. Po-Yao Chang, Onur Erten, Piers Coleman, Mobius Kondo Insulators,  Nature Physics 13, 794-798 (2017).
  18. Xueda Wen, Po-Yao Chang, Shinsei Ryu, Topological entanglement negativity in Chern-Simons theories, J. High Energy. Phys. 09,012 (2016).
  19. Po-Yao Chang, Xueda Wen, Entanglement negativity in free-fermion systems: an overlap matrix approach,  Phys. Rev. B 93, 195140 (2016).
  20. Xueda Wen, Po-Yao Chang, Shinsei Ryu, Entanglement negativity after a local quantum quench in conformal field theories, Phys. Rev. B 92, 075109 (2015).
  21. Po-Yao Chang, Shunji Matsuura, Andreas P. Schnyder and Shinsei Ryu, Majorana vortex- bound states in three-dimensional nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 90, 174504 (2014).
  22. Po-Yao Chang, Christopher Mudry and Shinsei Ryu, Symmetry-protected entangling boundary zero modes in crystalline topological insulators, J. Stat. Mech. Theor. Exp., P09014 (2014) (Special Issue: Quantum Entanglement in Condensed Matter Physics)
  23. Shunji Matsuura, Po-Yao Chang, Andreas P. Schnyder and Shinsei Ryu, Protected boundary states in gapless topological phases, New J. Phys. 15, 065001 (2013).


