學歷 |
- 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 電機工程博士(1986/09-1991/04)
- 國立清華大學 核子工程碩士(1982/09-1984/06)
- 國立清華大學 核子工程學士 (1978/10-1982/06)
現職與經歷 |
現職:國立清華大學物理系教授 (1999/08- )
- 國立清華大學物理系副教授( 1991/04-1999/08)
研究領域 |
- 離子體物理
- 相對論電子學
- 微波工程
研究興趣與成果 |
Updated on September 3, 2006
個人研究以電漿物理及其應用為主。電漿是由電子,離子及中性粒子所組成。當帶電粒子密度夠高時,電漿會呈現集体性的行為,如波動等。同時由於電漿中的反應是許多不同成分間的作用(Heterogeneous Interactions), 其中包括紫外線,中性粒子,活化粒子,電子及離子的反應。尤其是包含了具能量的粒子,它們能引發許多特殊的化學與物理的反應。例如在電漿蝕刻技術中,正離子經由電漿鞘層(Plasma Sheath)加速後轟擊矽晶圓,使其表面原子的鍵結破壞進而能迅速與活化粒子進行化學反應達到蝕刻效果。另外如在鑽石膜成長中,電漿一方面產生成長所需要的碳原子,當其在表面形成鍵結時,電漿中所產生的氫原子則能與石墨鍵結的碳原子進行蝕刻反應而留下鑽石的鍵結。在奈米碳管成長中,電漿鞘層的電場則能達到高方向性的成長。這是其他方法所無法達到的。
電漿的產生是利用電場加速電子,經由與氣体粒子的游離碰撞產生電子及離子。同時也經由非彈性碰撞產生活化粒子, 或解離分子產生原子。 目前產生電漿的方法以使用的功率源而言有直流放電(DC discharge),低頻及中頻放電 (數KHz到數MHz),射頻放電(13.6MHz),及微波放電(2.45GHz)。現行電漿製程多操作在低氣壓之輝光放電(mTorr 到百Torr)。而操作在1大氣壓的低溫電漿製程則是現在研究的重要課題。以半導體製程而言,則以射頻放電被採用的最多。
- 大面積微波表面波電漿及電漿共振
- 電漿浸入離子佈植及電漿鞘層動態分柝
- 電感偶合電漿加熱模式轉換
- 均勻低溫大氣電漿源(表面介質放電,大氣電漿東)。
- 鑽石膜,類鑽膜成長及尖狀結構成長,場發射研究
- 單晶之奈米鑽鑽石柱及電子元件
- 電漿東液晶配向
代表著作 |
- T. J. Wu , W. J. Guan, C. M. Tsai, W. Y. Yeh, and C. S. Kou “ Experimental Study of the Plasma Resonance in a Planar Surface Wave Plasma”, Phys. Plasmas, 8,3195, 2001
- W. Y. Yeh, J. Hwang, A. P. Lee, C. S. Kou and H. Chang, “ Composite diamond-like carbon and silicon carbide tips grown on oblique-cut Si(111) substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79,3609, 2001
- C. J. Huang, Y. K. Chih, J. Hwang, A. P. Lee and C. S. Kou, “Field emission from amorphous-carbon nanotips on copper”, J. Appl. Phys., 94,6796(2003)
- Y.K. Chih, C.H. Chen, J. Hwang, A.P. Lee, and C. S. Kou, “ formation of nano-scale tubular structure of single crystal diamond”, Diamond & Related Materials, 13, 1614, 2004
- T. J. Wu and C. S. Kou, "Analysis of the Propagation of the Wave in the Plasma Guided by a Periodical Vane-Type Structure", Phys. Plasmas, 8, 3195, 2005
- K. Y. Wu, P. C. Liu, C. Y. Lee, C. H. Chen, H. K. Wei, C. M. Yeh, C. W. Chen, C. S. Kou, C. D. Lee, and J. Hwang, “Liquid Crystal Alignment on a-C:H Films by Nitrogen Plasma Beam Scanning" J. Appl. Phys., 98, 083518, 2005
- Chen-Ming Tsai, A. P. Lee and C. S. Kou ‘ Characterization of heating mode transition in a radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 39, 3821 2006
- C. M. Yeh, M. Y. Chen, J. Hwang, J.-Y. Gan, and C. S. Kou, 2006, “Field emission from the composite structure of vertical single-walled carbon nanotubes/ carbon nanocones”, Nanotechnology (accepted)
A. Refereed Papers:
- D.S. Furuno, D.B. McDermott, H. Cao, C.S. Kou, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., P. Vitello, and K. Ko, "A Four Cavity High Harmonic Gyroklystron Amplifier," Int. J. Electronics 65, No. 3, pp. 429-435 (1988).
- D.S. Furuno, D.B. McDermott, H. Cao, C.S. Kou, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., and P. Vitello, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a High Harmonic Gyro-TWT Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, pp. 1314-1317 (1989).
- C.S. Kou, D.B. McDermott and N.C. Luhmann, JR., and K.R. Chu, "Prebunched High Harmonic Gy,rotron" IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 343-349 (1990).
- D.S. Furuno, D.B. McDermott, C.S. Kou and N.C. Luhmann and P. Vitello, "Operation of a Large Orbit, High Harmonic Gyro-TWT Amplifier," IEEE Trans.on Plasma Sci. Vol. 18. No.3. pp. 313-349 (1990).
- A.T. Lin, K.R. Chu, C.C. Lin, C.S. Kou, D.B. McDermott and N.C. Luhmann, Jr., "Comparative Analysis of Fundamental and Second Harmonic Gyro-TWT Amplifier", Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 72 NOS 5 and 6, 873-885 (1992).
- C.S. Kou, Q.S. Wang, D.B. McDermott, A.T. Lin, K.R. Chu and N.C. Luhmann, Jr "High-power Harmonic Gyro-TWT's-Part I: Linear Theory and Oscillation Study"", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 155-162 (1992).
- Q.S. Wang, C.S Kou, D.B. McDermott, A.T. Lin, K.R. Chu and N.C. Luhmann, Jr "High-power Harmonic Gyro-TWT's-Part II: Nonlinear Theory and Design", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 163-169 (1992).
- K.R. Chu, C.S. Kou, J.M. Chen, Y.C. Tsai, C. Cheng, S.S. Bor and L.H. Chang, "Spectral Domain Analysis of Open Cavities", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 13, No. 8 (1992).
- C.S. Kou, S.H. Chen, L.R. Barnett, H.Y. Chen, and K.R. Chu, "Experimental Study of An Injection - Locked Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 924-927 (1993).
- C. S. Kou, "Starting Oscillation Conditions for Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator", Phys. Plasmas, 1, p. 3093 (1994).
- Q. S. Wang, D. B. Mcdermott, C. K. Chong, C. S. Kou, K. R. Chu, and N. C. Luhmann, Jr. "Stable/MW, Third-harmonic Gyro-TWT Amplifier", IEEE Trans., Plasma Sci. 22, p. 608 (1994).
- C. S. Kou, K. R. Chu, D. B. McDermott and N. C. Luhmann, Jr. "Effective Bandwidth and the Kompfner Dip for Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser Amplifier". Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 51, No. 1, 642 (1995).
- C. S. Kou, "On the Launching Loss and the Weibel Instability of the Gyro-Traveling Wave Tubes", Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No2, 578 (1995).
- C. S. Kou, "Backward Wave Amplification in the Gyrotron", Phys. Plasmas 4, 4140 (1997).
- C. S. Kou, "Effects of the Sever on Two-stage Gyro-TWT Amplifier", submitted to Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 18, 1897. (1997).
- C. S. Kou, M. H. Wu and Fourier Tseng, "Nonlinear Analysis of a Multi-cavity Gyro-Twystron", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 18, 1957. (1997)
- C. S. Kou and Fouries Tseng, "Linear Theory of Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tubes with Non-Uniform and Lossy Interaction Structures", Phys. Plasmas 5, 2454 (1998)
- C. S. Kou, C. H. Chen and T. J. Wu, "Mechanism of Efficiency Enhancement by a Tapered Waveguide in Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillators", Phys. Rev. E57, 7162 (1998).
- C. C. Chang and C. S. Kou, "Electron-Wave Quantum Well Energy Band-Pass Filters", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, 139(1999).
- C. S. Kou, J. Y. Hung and C. M. Tsai, "Experimental Study of a Slot Antenna Excited by a TE001 Mode Coaxial Cavity", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol 20, No. 5 (1999).
- T. J. Wu and C. S. Kou, "Experimental Study of a High Power Coupler for a Tunable Cavity Formed by vane-type Structure", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol 20, No. 6 (1999).
- T. J. Wu and C. S. Kou, "Linear Analysis of TWT wit Nonuniform Lossy Interaction Structure", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol 20, No. 7 (1999).
- T. J. Wu and C. S. Kou, "A Large-Area Plasma Source Excited by a Tunable Surface Wave Cavity", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 2331 (1999).
- T. J. Wu and C. S. Kou, "Analysis of the Propagation of the Wave in the Plasma Guided by a Periodical Vane-Type Structure", to be submitted.
- C. S. Kou, C. M. Tsai, and T. J. Wu, "On the Surface Wave Propagation in Dissipative Planar Plasmas", to be submitted.