A. Refereed Papers:
- D.Y. Chou, "The Cooling Time Scales of Growing Sunspots", Astrophysical Journal, 312, 955.(1987)
- D.Y. Chou and H. Wang, "The Separation Velocity of Emerging Magnetic Flux", Solar Physics, 110, 81.(1987)
- D.Y. Chou and H. Zirin, "The Vertical Structure of Arch Filament Systems in Solar Emergiang Flux Regions", October 1, Astrophysical Journal, 333, 420.(1988)
- G.H. Fisher, D.Y. Chou, and A.N. McClymont, "Emergence of Anchored Flux Tubes Through the Convection Zone", in Solar System Plasma Physics, eds. Waite et al. Geophysical Monograph, 54 (American Geophysical Union: Washington, D.C.) p. 47.(1989)
- D.Y. Chou, G.H. Fisher, "Dynamics of Anchored Flux Tubes in the Convection Zonne I. Details of the Model", Astrophysical Journal, 341, 533.(1989)
- G.H. Fisher, A.N. McClymont, and D.Y. Chou, "The Stretching of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Convective Overshoot Region", Astrophysical Journal, 374, 766.(1991)
- D.Y. Chou, B.J. LaBonte, D.C. Braun, and T.L. Duvall, "Power Spectra of Solar Convection",Astrophysical Journal, 372, 314.(1991)
- D.Y. Chou, C.S. Chen, K.T. Ou, and C.C. Wang, "Power Spectra of Median- and Small-Scale Solar Convection", Astrophysical Journal, 396, 333.(1992)
- D.Y. Chou, "Structe of Emerging Flux Regions", in The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions, eds. H. Zirin et al., (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific), p. 471.(1993)
- D.Y. Chou, Sun, M. –T., Huang, T. –Y., Jimenez, A., Lai, S.-p., Chi, P.-J., Ou, K.-T., Wang, C.-C., Lu, J.-Y., Chu, A.-L., Niu, C.-s., Mu, T.-M., Chen, K.-R., Chou, Y.-P., Chao, H., Cristina, Ai, G., Zirin, H., Marquette, W., and Nenow, J., "Taiwan Oscillation Network", Solar Physics, 160, 237.(1995)
- Fan, Y., Braun, D. C., and D.Y. Chou, "Scattering of P-modes by Sunspots. II. Calculations of Phase Shifts from a Phenomenological Model", , Astrophysical Journal, 451, 877.(1995)
- D.Y. Chou, Chou, H.-Y., Hsieh, Y.-C., and Chen, C-K. "A Phenomenological Model for the Interaction of Solar P-modes with Active Regions", Astrophysical Journal, 459, 792.(1996)
- Chen, K.-R., D.Y. Chou, and the TON Team "Determination of the Lifetime of High-iP-modes From the Interaction of P-mode Waves With Sunspots", Astrophysical Journal, 465, 985.(1996)
- Sun, M.-T., D.Y. Chou, Lin, C.-H., and the TON Team "Flow Around Sunspots From P-mode Frequency Shift Measurements", Solar Physics, 176, 59.(1997)
- Patron, J., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., D.Y. Chou, and the TON Team "Comparison of Two Fitting Methods for Ring Diagram Analysis of Very High i Solar Oscillations", Astrophysical Journal, 485, 869.(1997)
- Chen, H.-R., D.Y. Chou, and the TON Team "Inference of Subsurface Magnetic Field of Sunspots From Absorption Coefficients of P-modes in Sunspots", Astrophysical Journal, 490, 452.(1997)
- Chang, H.-K., D.Y. Chou, LaBonte B., and the TON Team "Ambient Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology", Nature, 389, 825.(1997)
- Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Patron, J., D.Y. Chou, and the TON Team "On the Reliability of Ring Diagram Analysis", Astrophysical Journal, 501.(1998)
- Patron, J., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., D.Y. Chou, and the TON Team "Time Evolution of Horizontal Surface Flow in the Sun", Astrophysical Journal, 506.(1998)
- Chen, H.-R., D.Y. Chou, Chang, H.-K., Sun, M.-T., Yeh, S.-J., LaBonte, B., and the TON Team, "Probing the Subsurface Structure of Active Region with the Phase Information in Acoustic Imaging", ApJ Letter, in press.(1998)
- D.Y. Chou, Chang, H.-K., Sun, M.-T., LaBonte, B., Chen, H.-R., Yeh, S.-J., and the TON Team, "Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology", Astrophysical Journal 514, 979 (1997).
- H. K. Chang, D. Y. Chou, and M. T. Sun, “In Search of Emerging Magnetic Flux Underneath the Solar Surface with Acoustic Imaging”, Astrophysical Journal 526, (1999) in press.
- D. Y. Chou, and M. T. Sun, H. K. Chang, “A Study of Sunspots with Phase Time and Travel Time of P-mode Waves in Acoustic Imaging”, Astrophysical Journal, (2000) in press.
- D. Y. Chou, Duvall and T. L. Ju., “Phase Time and Envelope Time in Time-distance Analysis and Acoustic Imaging”, Astrophysical Journal, (2000) in press.
- Chou, Dean-Yi, "Acoustic Imaging of Solar Active Regions", 2000, Solar Physics, 192, 241.
- Chou D.-Y., Chou, H.-Y., Hsieh, Y.-C., and Chen, C.-K., "A Phenomenological Model for the Interaction of Solar P-modes with Active Regions", 1996, Astrophysical Journal, 459, 792.
- Chen, K.-R., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team, "Determination of the Lifetime of High-l P-modes From the Interaction of P-mode Waves With Sunspots", 1996, Astrophysical Journal, 465, 985.
- Sun, M.-T., Chou, D.-Y., Lin C.-H., and the TON Team "Flow Around Sunspots From P-mode Frequency Shift Measurements", 1997, Solar Physics, 176, 59.
- Patron, J., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team, "Comparison of Two Fitting Methods for Ring Diagram Analysis of Very High l Solar Oscillations", 1997, Astrophysical Journal, 485, 869.
- Chen, H.-R., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team, "Inference of Subsurface Magnetic Field of Sunspots From Absorption Coefficients of P-modes in Sunspots", 1997, Astrophysical Journal, 490, 452.
- Chang, H.-K., Chou, D.-Y., LaBonte, B., and the TON Team, "Ambient Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology", 1997, Nature, 389,825.
- Chen, H.-R., Chou, D.-Y., Chang, H.-K., Sun, M.T., Yeh, S.-J., LaBonte, B., and the TON Team, "Probing the subsurface Structure of Active Region with the Phase Information in Acoustic Imaging", 1998, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 501, L139.
- Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Patron, J., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team, "On the Reliability of Ring Diagram Analysis", 1998, Astrophysical Journal, 501,408..
- Patron,J., Gonzalez Hernandez,I., Chou, D.-Y., and the Ton Team "Time Evoulution of Horizontal Surface Flow in the Sun",1998, Astrophysical Journal, 506,450..
- Chou, D.-Y., Chang, H.-K.,Sun, M.-T., LaBonte, B., Chen, H.-R., Yeh, S.-J., and the TON Team, "Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology", 1999, Astrophysical Journal 514,979.
- Chang, H.-K., Chou, D.-Y., and Sun, M.-T., "In Search of Emerging Magnetic Flux Underneath the Solar Surface with Acoustic Imaging", 1999, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 526, L53.
- Chou, D.-Y., Sun, M.-T., and Chang, H.-K., "A study of Sunspots with Phase Time and Travel Time of P-mode Waves in Acoustic Imaging", 2000, Astrophysical Journal, 532,622.
- Chou, D.-Y., and Duvall, T.L. Jr., "Phase Time and Envelope Time in Time-distance Analysis and Acoustic imaging", 2000, Astrophysical Journal, 533, 568.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Acoustic Imaging of Solar Active Regions", 2000, Solar Physics, 192, 241.
- Raju, K.P., Singh,J., Srikanth R, Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team "Possible Evidence of Long-Term Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere", 2001, Solar Physics, 199,1.
- Chou, D.-Y., Serebryanskiy A., Ye, Y.-J., and Dai, D.-C., "Lifetimes of High-l Solar p-Modes from Time-Distance Analysis", 2001, Astrophysical Journal Letter 554, L229.
- Chou, D.-Y., and Dai, D.-C., "Solar-Cycle Variations of Subsurface meridional Flow in the Sun", 2001, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 559, L175.
- Chou. D.-Y., "Taiwan Oscillation Network: Probing the Solar interior", 2002, in COSPAR COLLQUIUM: Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques, ed. L.-H. Lyu (Elsevier Science), 31.
- Sun, M.-T, and Chou, D.-Y." The Inversion problem Of Phase Travel Time Perturbations in Acoustic Imaging", 2002, Solar Physics, 209,5. "Searching for Signature of the Magnetic Fields at the Base of the Solar Convection Zone with Solar Cycle Variations of p-Mode Travel Time", 2002, Astrophysical Journal Letter, 578, L157.
- D.Y. Chou, “The Cooling Time Scales of Sunspots Derived From Intensity and Magnetic Field Measurements”, R. G. Giovanelli Commemorative Colloquium, Part II, Tucson, January 1985.
- D. Y. Chou, “Young Active Regions on the Sun”, 1985, B.A.A.S., 17, 895.
- D. Y. Chou, “Separation Velocity of Emerging Magnetic Flux Regions”, Solar Cycle Workshop, Big Bear, California, August 1986.
- D. Y. Chou, and G. H. Fisher, “Motion of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Interior of the Sun I: Flux Tubes in the Convection Zone”, AASSPD Meeting, July, 1987.
- G. H. Fisher and D. Y. Chou, “Motion of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Interior of the Sun II: Flux Tubes Below the Convection Zone”, AAS SPD Meeting, July, 1987.
- G. H. Fisher and D. Y. Chou, “The Dynamics of Buoyant Flux Tubes Anchored at the Base of Convection Zone”, 1987, B.A.A.S., 19, 1132.
- D. Y. Chou and H. Zirin, “The Vertical Structure of Arch filament Systems”, IAU General Assembly 20th, August, 1988.
- Chou, D.-Y.., Chen, K.-R., AND THE Ton Team "The First Result From the Taiwan Oscillation Network", 1996, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 24, 171.
- Molowny-Horas, R., Gonzales Hernandez, I., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Jimenez, A., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team "Study of the Solar Differential Rotation and Meridional Motions From TON Images", 1996, in Solar Cycle: Recent Progress and Future Re-search II.
- Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team "Present Status of the Taiwan Oscillation Network", 1996, IAU Sym. 181, p.31.
- Chen, H.-R., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team "Inference of Subsurface Magnetic Field From the Absorption Coefficient of p-Modes in Active Regions", 1996, IAU Sym. 181, p..163.
- Bala, B., Chou, D.-Y., Sun, M.-T., and the TON Team "Acoustic Emission of the Quiet Sun", 1996, IAU Sym. 181, p.151.
- Bala, B., Chou, D.-Y., Sun, M.-T., and the TON Team "Subsurface Structure of Emerging Flux Regions From Helioseismology", 1996, IAU Sym. 181,p.153.
- Loudagh, S., Mu, T.-M., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team "Power Spectra From the Taiwan Oscillation Network (TON)", 1996, IAU Sym. 181, p.49.
- Sun, M.-T., Chou, D.-Y.., Lin, C.-H., and the TON Team "Flow Around Sunspots From Frequency Shift Measurements", 1996, IAU Sym. 181, p.203..
- Patron, J., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Chou, D.-Y., and the TON Team "Time Variation of Velocity Flow from Ring Diagrams: A First Approach", 1997, IAU Sym. 185.
- Chou, D.-Y., and Chang, H.-K. "Recent Results from the TON Project", 1997, in Cambridge Local Helioseismology Workshop.
- Chang, H.-K., Chou, D.-Y., LaBonte B., and the TON Team "Ambient Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology", 1997, IAU Sym. 185.
- Chou, D.-Y., and the Ton Team "Present Status of the Taiwan oscillation Network", 1997, in Proceedings of the 21st century Chinese Astronomy Conference, eds. K.S. Cheng & K. L. Chan (Singapore: World Scientific), p. 182.
- LaBonte, B., Chen, H.-R., Chou, D.-Y., Chang, H.-K., Sun, M.-T., Yeh, S.-J., and the Ton Team, "Probing the Surface structure of Active Regions with acoustic imaging",1998, AUG/SPD 1998 Annual Meeting.
- Chou, D.-Y., Chang, H.-K., Chen, H.-R., LaBonte, B., Sun, M.-T., Yeh, S.-J., and the Ton Team, "Results of Acoustic Imaging with the TON Data", 1998, SOHO6/GONG98 Workshop (ESA-418), p.597
- Chang, H.-K., Chou, D.-Y., Chen, H.-R., Labonte, B., Sun, M.-T., Yeh, S.-J., and the TON Team, "Subsurface Acoustic Images of Solar Active Regions in Different Frequencies with TON Data, 1998, SOHO6/GONG98 workshop (ESA, SP-418), p.621.
- Sun, M.-T., Chou, D.-Y., Chang, H.-K., Chen, H.-R., Yeh, S.-J., LaBonte, B., and the TON Team, "Dissipation an Emission of solar p-mode in the quiet Sun from Acoustic imaging with the Ton Data", 1998, SOHO6/GONG98 Workshop (ESA, SP-418), p.657.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Present Status of the Ton project", 1998, Xth IRID/TON Workshop.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Recent Scientific Results from the TON Project", 1998, Xth IRIS/TON Workshop, p. 54.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Theoretical Basis of Acoustic Imaging", 1998, Xth IRIS/TON Workshop, p.32.
- Sun, M.-T., and Chou, D.-Y., "Absorption and Emission of p-modes by Acoustic Imaging", 1998, Xth IRIR/TON Workshop.
- Chang, H.-K., and Chou, D.-Y., "In Search of Emerging Flux with Acoustic imaging Based on TON and MDI Data", 1999, 9th SOHO Workshop.
- Sun, M.-T.., and Chou, D.-Y., "Dissipation of P Modes in the Quiet Sun with Acoustic Imaging", 1999, 9th SOHO Workshop.
- Chou, D.-Y., and Duvall, T. L., Jr, "Travel Time and Phase Time in Time-distance Analysis and Acoustic Imaging", 1999, 9th SOHO Workshop.
- Chou, D.-Y., Sun, M.-T., and Chang, H.-K., "Probing Sunspots with the Phase Information in Acoustic Imaging". 1999, 9th SOHO Workshop.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Taiwan Oscillation Network: Probing the solar interior", 2000, COSPAR Colloquium: Space Weather Study Using Multi-point Techniques.
- Hill, F., Ladenkov, O., Ehgamberdiev, S., and Chou, D.-Y., "High-Frequency Multi-Wavelength Acoustic Power Maps", 2000, SOHO10/GONG2000 Workshop.
- Chou, D.-Y., and Sun, M.-T., and the TON Team, " Phase Shifts of Acoustic Imaging and the Subsurface Structure of Active Regions", 2000, SOHO10/CONG2000 Workshop. P.157.
- Chou, D.-Y., and Sun, M.-T., "Kernels of Acoustic Imaging", 2000, SOHO10/GONG2000 Workshop. P.195.
- Sun, M.-T., and Chou, D.-Y., "The Inverse Problem in Acoustic Imaging", 2000, SOHO10/CONG2000 Workshop. P.251.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Small-Telescope Research at Tsing Hua University", 2001, IAU Colloquium 183, p.39..
- Chou, D.-Y., "Solar Cycle Variations From Time-Distance Analysis", 2001, XIIth IRIS Workshop: The Future of Ground-Based Helioseismology.
- Chou, D.-Y., "Present Status of the TON", 2001, XIIth IRIS Workshop: The Future of Ground-Based Helioseismology..