

古煥球 教授


古煥球 教授
Ku, Huan-Chiu

  1. 美國聖地牙哥大學博士 (1975-1980)
  2. 國立成功大學物理系學士 (1967-1971)
  1. 國立清華大學理學院院長 (2007- )
  2. 國立清華大學物理系教授 (1984- )
  1. 國科會自然科學發展處處長(1995-1998)
  2. 河南師範大學榮譽教授 (1996-)
  3. 清華大學物理系系主任兼所長 (1990-1993)
  4. Iowa State University客座教授 (1986-1987)
  5. 清華大學物理系教授 (1984-)
  6. 清華大學物理系副教授 (1981-1984)
  7. UCSD博士後研究員 (1980-1981)
  1. 76學年度國科會傑出研究獎
  2. 78學年度國科會傑出研究獎
  3. 80學年度國科會傑出研究獎
  4. 81年度中山學術獎
  5. 87年度國科會特約研究人員特約研究獎
  6. 92年度中華民國物理學會特別貢獻獎
  7. 中華民國物理學會會士
  8. 清華自然科學講座教授
  1. 實驗凝體物理
  2. 低溫物理
  3. 超導物理
  4. 磁性物理
  5. 材料科學
  6. 強關聯電子系統
  7. 奈米磁性
  1. [2006] W. N. Lee, Y. F. Chen, J. H. Huang, X. J. Guo, C. T. Kuo, T. S. Chin, and H. C. Ku, “(In0.52Al0.48)1-xMnxAs Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors Grown on InP substrates”, J. Phys. Conden. Mat. 18, L15 (2006).
  2. [2005] C. Y. Yang, B. C. Chang, H. C. Ku, and Y. Y. Hsu, “Critical Fields and Spontaneous Vortex State in the Weak-ferromagnetic Superconductor RuSr2GdCu2O8”, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 174508 (2005). (cond-mat/0507014)
  3. [2005] H. C. Ku, C. Y. Yang, B. C. Chang, B. N. Lin, Y. Y. Hsu, and M. F. Tai, “Weak Ferromagnetic Order of Possible High-Tc Superconductivity in the RuCa2PrCu2O8+Ruthenium-cuprate”, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10B110 (2005).
  4. [2005] Y. C. Lin, T. Y. Chiu, M. F. Tai, B. N. Lin, P. C. Guan, and H. C. Ku, “Superconductivity and Weak-ferromagnetic Order of the New RuCa2PrCu2O8+ (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) System”, Inter. J. Modern Phys. B 19, 339 (2005).
  5. [2004] D. J. Huang, C. F. Chang, H. T. Jeng, G. Y. Guo, H. J. Lin, H. C. Ku, A. Fujimori, and C. T. Chen, "Spin and Orbital Magnetic Moments of Fe3O4", Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 077204 (2004).
  6. [2004] B. N. Lin and H. C. Ku, "Correlation between Spin-glass-like Behavior and Lattice Distortion in Itinerant Ca1-xSrxRuO3 Metal", J. Appl. Phys. 95, 6974 (2004).
  7. [2003] C. T. Chen, B. N. Lin, Y. Y. Hsu, J. D. Liao, W. H. Cheng, C. Y. Lin, H. C. Ku, J. F. Lee, L. Y. Chang, and D. G. Liu, "Anomalous Variation of A-type Antiferromagnetic Order, 2D Ferromagnetic Fluctuation in Orbital-Ordered La1-xEuxMnO3", Phys. Rev. B 67, 214424 (2003).
  8. [2002] H. C. Ku, B. N. Lin, Y. X. Lin, and Y. Y. Hsu, "Effect of Pr-O Hybridization on the Anomalous Magnetic Properties of Pr1+xBa2-xCu3O7-y System", J. Appl. Phys. 91, 7128 (2002).
  9. [2001] S. R. Wang, W. H. Li, K. C. Lee, H. M. Luo, and H. C. Ku, "Structural and Magnetic Properties of Pr1+xBa2-xCu3O7+y", Phys. Rev. B 63, 172401 (2001).
  10. [2001] H. C. Ku, Y. Y. Hsu and B. N. Lin, "Unusual Pr Antiferromagnetic Ordering in High-Tc Cuprates", J. Phys. Chem. Solids 62, 1819 (2001).
  1. H.C. Ku, B.T. Matthias and H. Barz, "Superconductivity, Magnetism and Metastability in New Ternary Iridium Borides", Solid State Commun. 32, 937 (1979).
  2. H.C. Ku, D.C. Johnston, B.T. Matthias, H. Barz, G. Burri and L. Rinderer, "ScRu4B4: A New Superconducting Member of the MRu4B4 System", Mater. Res. Bull. 14, 1591 (1979).
  3. H.C. Ku, F. Acker and B.T. Matthias, "Superconductivity and Magnetic Ordering in the Pseudoternary Ho(Irl-xRhx)4B4 System", Phys. Lett. 76A, 399 (1980).
  4. H. Barz, H.C. Ku, G.P. Meisner, Z. Fisk and B.T. Matthias, "Ternary Transition Metal Phosphides: High Temperature Superconductors", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 3132 (1980).
  5. H.C. Ku, G.P. Meisner, F. Acker, and D.C. Johnston, "Superconducting and Magnetic Properties of New Ternary Borides with the CeCo3B2-Type Structure", Solid State Commun. 35, 91 (1980).
  6. H.C. Ku and F. Acker, "Superconducting Dy(Irl-xRhx)4B4 System", Solid State Commun. 35, 937 (1980).
  7. H.C. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Superconductivity of New Ternary Borides with the LuRuB2-Type Structure", Mater. Res. Bull. 15, 1441 (1980).
  8. R.N. Shelton, B.A. Karcher, D.R. Powell, R.A. Jacobson and H.C. Ku, "Crystal Structure of LuRuB2", Mater. Res. Bull. 15, 1447 (1980).
  9. F. Acker and H.C. Ku, "Low Temperature Behavior of HoRh4B4", J. Low Temp. Phys. 42, 449 (1981).
  10. H.C. Ku and G.P. Meisner, "Crystal Structure and Magnetic Transition of New Ternary Borides", J. Less-Common Met. 78, 99 (1981).
  11. H.C. Ku and H. Barz, "Superconductivity in Pseudoternary Compounds RE(IrxRhl-x)4B4", Ternary Superconductors, eds. G.K. Shenoy, B.D. Dunlap and F.Y. Fredin, (Elsevier, New York, 1981), p. 209.
  12. G.P. Meisner and H.G. Ku, "The Effect of Oxygen Impurities on Superconductivity of ZrRuP", ibid. p. 255 (1981).
  13. F. Acker and H.C. Ku, "Time Dependent Magnetization and Resistivity in DyRh4B4", J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 24, 47 (1981).
  14. L.D. Woolf, S.E. Lambert, M.B. Maple, H.C. Ku, W. Odoni and H.R. Ott, "Occurrence of Antiferromagnetic Ordering Above the Superconducting Transition in Ho(Ir0.7 Rh0.3)4B4", Physica 108B, 761 (1981).
  15. H.C. Ku, H.F. Braun and F. Acker, "Antiferromagnetism in RE(Rh1-xlrx)4B4", Phycica 108B, 1231 (1981).
  16. H.G. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Reentrant Superconductivity in the Pseudoternary System (Tm1-xLux)RuB2", Solid State Commun. 40, 237 (1981).
  17. F. Acker and H.C. Ku, "Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in Ho(Ir1-xRhx)4B4 Compounds", Phys. Rev. B25, 5692 (1982).
  18. H.C. Hamaker, H.C. Ku, M.B. Maple and H.A. Mook, "Neutron Diffraction Study of Ho(Rh0.3Ir0.7)4B4", Solid State Commun. 43, 455 (1982).
  19. K.N Yang, S.E. Lambert, H.C. Hamaker, M.B. Maple, H.A. Mook and H.C. Ku, "Low Temperature Investigation of Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in the Pseudoternary System Ho(Rhl-xlrx)4B4", Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metal, 1982, eds. W. Buckel and W. Weber (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 1982), p. 217.
  20. H.C. Ku, S.E. Lambert and M.B. Maple, "The Occurrence of Superconductivity in Magnetic System Tb(Rhl-xlrx)4B4", ibid. p. 231 (1982).
  21. F. Acker, L. Schellenberg and H.C. Ku, "Magnetism and Superconductivity in Tb(IrxRh1-x)4B4 and in Ho(IrxRhl-x)4B4 Compounds", ibid. p. 237 (1982).
  22. G.R. Stewart, G.P. Meisner and H.C. Ku, "Specific Heats of the New High Tc Phosphide Superconductors HfRuP and ZrRuP", ibid. 331 (1982).
  23. L.D. Woolf, S.E. Lambert, M.B. Maple, F. Acker, H.C. Ku, W. Odoni and H.R. Ott, "Investigation of the Occurrence of Superconductivity Below the Antiferromagnetic Transition in Ho(Ir0.7Rh0.3)4B4", J. Low Temp. Phys. 51, 117 (1983).
  24. G.P. Meisner, H.C. Ku and H. Barz, "Superconducting Equiatomic Ternary Transition Metal Arsenides", Mater. Res. Bull. 18, 983 (1983).
  25. G.P. Meisner and H.C. Ku, "The Superconductivity and Structure of Equiatomic Ternary Transition Metal Pnictides", Appl. Phys. A31, 201 (1983).
  26. H.C. Ku, "Superconductivity and Magnetism of Pseudoternary Rare Earth Borides", Proceedings of the lst R.O.K.-R.O.C. Symposium on the Solid State Physics, ed. S.K. Min (Korea Phys. Soc., 1984), p. 169.
  27. H.C. Ku and D.C. Johnston, "New Superconducting Ternary Transition Metal Compounds with the E93 Type Structure", Chin. J. Phys. 22, 59 (1984).
  28. H.C. Ku, "Low Temperature Phase Diagram of Ternary Magnetic Superconductors", Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT17), eds. U. Eckern, A. Schmid, W. Weber and H. Wuhl (Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., 1984) , p. A155.
  29. K.I. Ueda, Y. Kitoka, Y. Kohori, T. Kohara, K. Asayama, K.I. Kumagai, H.C. Ku and F. Acker, "NMR Study of 59Co and 11B in RECo4B4 (RE = Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, and Tm)", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 53, 2674 (1984).
  30. K.N. Yang, M.S. Torikachvili, M.B. Maple and H.C. Ku, "Intermediate Valence Behavior of Ternary Cerium and Uranium Transition Metal Borides", J. Low Temp. Phys. 56, 601 (1984).
  31. K.N. Yang, M.S. Torikachvili, M.B. Maple, H.C. Ku, B.B. Pate, I. Lindau and J.W. Alien, "Low Temperature Properties of CeIr3B2 and UIr3B2", J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 47&48, 558 (1985).
  32. H.C. Ku, Y.B. You, L.J. Ma, H.Y. Chao and Y.D. Yao," Valence Fluctuation of Ce0.5Rh3B2 with the New La0.5Rh3B2-Type Structure", J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 47&48, 573 (1985).
  33. K.N. Yang, M.S. Torikachvili, M.B. Maple and H.C. Ku, "Magnetic Susceptibility of CeT3B2 and UT3B2 Compounds (T= Co, Ru, Ir)", J. Appl. Phys. 57, 3140 (1985).
  34. H.C. Ku, L.J. Ma, M.F. Tai, Y. Wang and H.E. Horng, "Crystal Structure of
  35. Lal-xRh3B2", J. Less-Common Met. 109, 219 (1985).
  36. H.C. Ku, "Effect of Composition on the Superconductivity of the E93 Phase in the
  37. Ternary Nb-Rh-C System", Physica 135B, 417 (1985).
  38. H.C. Ku and M.F. Tai, "Interplay Between Structural Chemistry and Valence Fluctuation in CeT6B4 (T= Ru, Rh, Ir)", J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 54-57, 553 (1986).
  39. H.C. Ku, J.C. Chen and L.S. Yen, "Magnetic Properties of Pseudoternary Compounds Nd2(Fel-xRux)l4B", J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 54-57, 533 (1986).
  40. H.C. Ku and H. Yu, "Anomalous Electrical Resistivity of the Kondo System
  41. Ce(Rhl-xCox)3B2", Phys. Rev. B34, 1974 (1986).
  42. H.C. Ku and L.S. Yen, "Magnetic Properties of the New Permanent Magnet Compound Nd2(Fe0.9M0.1)l4B (M= Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni)", J. Less-Common Met. 127, 43 (1987).
  43. H.C. Ku and D.C. Lin, "Low Temperature Magnetic Order of the New Ternary Rare Earth Compounds RRuB4 with the YCrB4-type Structure", J. Less-Common Met. 127, 35 (1987).
  44. L.S. Yen, J.C. Chen and H.C. Ku. "Spin Reorientation of Nd2(Fe0.9M0.1)14B (M= Co, Ni, Ru)", J. Appl. Phys. 61, 1990 (1987).
  45. J.C. Chen, H.Y. Hsieh and H.C. Ku. "Low Temperature Behavior of
  46. Nd2(Fe1-xRux)14B", Chin. J. Phys. 25, 14 (1987).
  47. H.S. Wei, B.J. Chiou and H.C. Ku. "A New Example of the Methyl Substitution Effect on the Spin-State in Solid Iron-Diimine Complexes", Bull. Inst. Chem. Acad. Sinica 34, 87 (1987).
  48. D.K. Finnemore, R.N. Shelton, J.R. Clem, R.W. McCallum, H.C. Ku. R.E. McCarley, S.C. Chen, P. Klavins and V. Kogan, "Magnetization of Superconducting Lanthanum Copper Oxides", Phys. Rev. B35, 5319 (1987).
  49. J. Moreland, A.F. Clark, H.C. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Electrical Tunneling Measurement of the Energy Gap in a La-Sr-Cu-O Superconductor", Cryogenics 27, 227 (1987).
  50. A.R. Moodenbaugh, M. Suenaga, T. Asano, R.N. Shelton, H.C. Ku. R.W. McCallum and P. Klavins, "Superconductivity Near 90 K in the Lu-Ba-Cu-O System", Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1885 (1987).
  51. R.N. Shelton, T.J. Folkers, P. Klavins and H.C. Ku. "Pressure Effect on High Tc Oxides with the K2NiF4-Type Structure", High Temperature Superconductors, eds. D.U. Gubser and M. Schluter (MRS Volume EA-11, 1987), p. 49.
  52. H.C. Ku. H.D. Yang, R.W. McCallum, M.A. Noack, P. Klavins, R.N. Shelton and A.R. Moodenbaugh, "Superconductivity and Phase Stability in the Heavy Rare Earth Quaternary Compounds RBa2Cu3O7 (R= Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu)", ibid. p. 117 (1987).
  53. P.T. Wu, J.H. Kung, A.K. Li, C.C. Kao, C.M. Wang, L. Chang, H.H. Yen, S.C. Tsai, G.F. Chi, M.F. Tai and H.C. Ku, "Effect of Powder Preparation and Sintering on the High Temperature Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O System", ibid. p. 197 (1987).
  54. J. Moreland, A.F. Clark, L.F. Goodrich, H.C. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Tunneling Spectroscopy of a La-Sr-Cu-O Break Junction: Evidence for Strong-Coupling Superconductivity", Phys. Rev. B35, 8711 (1987).
  55. H. Yu and H.C. Ku. "Anomalous Ferromagnetism in the Dense Kondo System
  56. Ce(Rh1-xCox)3B2", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 26-3, 561 (1987).
  57. H.C. Ku. M.F. Tai, P. Klavins and R.N. Shelton, "Antiferromagnetic Order in the Ternary Rare Earth Cobalt Borides RCo4B4 (R= Ce, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu)" Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 26-3, 827 (1987).
  58. J.W. Lynn, W.H. Li, Q. Li, H.C. Ku. P. Klavins and R.N. Shelton, "Magnetic Fluctuation and Two-Dimensional Ordering in ErBa2Cu3O7", Phys. Rev. B36, 2374 (1987).
  59. C. Allgeier, J.S. Schilling, H.C. Ku. P. Klavins and R.N. Shelton, "The Magnetic Susceptibility of the High Temperature Superconductor La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 under Hydrostatic Pressure", Solid State Commun. 64, 227 (1987).
  60. K.H. Lii, M.F. Tai, S.L. Wang and H.C. Ku. "High Tc Superconductivity in
  61. YxBal-xO3-y", Solid State Commun. 64, 339 (1987).
  62. H.C. Ku, P. Klavins and R.N. Shelton, "Superconductivity and Magnetism of the Pseudoternary Rare Earth Systems R(Rhl-xCox)4B4 (R= Lu, Er, Ho)", Physica 148B, 117 (1987).
  63. R.N. Shelton, R.W. McCallum, M.A. Damento, K.A. Gschneidner, Jr., H.C. Ku, H.D. Yang, J.W. Lynn, W.H. Li and Q. Li, "Effects of Crystal Anisotropy on Magnetization and Magnetic Order in Superconducting RBa2Cu3O7-x", Physica 148B, 285 (1987).
  64. W.H. Lee, H.C. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Evolution of Heavy Fermion Behavior from Mixed-Valence State in the Series Ce(Ptl-xNix)Si", Phys. Rev. B36, 5739 (1987).
  65. H.D. Yang, H.C. Ku, P. Klavins and R.N. Shelton, "Magnetic Ordering and Magnetization in the High-Temperature Superconductor ErBa2Cu3O7-x", Phys. Rev. B36, 8791 (1987).
  66. J.W. Lynn, W.H. Li, Q. Li, H.C. Ku, H.D. Yang and R.N. Shelton, "Two-Dimensional Character of the Magnetic Order in ErBa2Cu3O7", Rev. Solid State Sci. 1, 357 (1987).
  67. S.W. Hsu, M.F. Tai, C.C. Chen, H.C. Ku, H.D. Yang and R.N. Shelton, "The Occurrence of Superconductivity in the Pr-Based Systems (Pr,R)Ba2Cu3O7-y (R= Rare Earth)", Chin. J. Phys. 26, Sl13 (1988).
  68. M.F. Tai, S.W. Hsu, J.R. Hwang, H.C. Ku and K.H. Lii, "Superconducting Properties on the Pseudoternary System Y(Ba2-xSrx)Cu3O7-y", Chin. J. Phys. 26, S146 (1988).
  69. H.C. Ku, M.F. Tai, S.W. Hsu, K.H. Lii, H.D. Yang and R.N. Shelton, "High Temperature Superconductivity and Low Temperature Antiferromagnetic Ordering in the Rare Earth RBa2Cu3O7-x System", Chin. J. Phys. 26, S99 (1988).
  70. E. Gareia, H.C. Ku, R.N. Shelton, J.D. Corbett, "Magnetic Susceptibility Study of the Ferromagnetic Zr5Sb3Fe and of the Contrasting Cobalt and Nickel Analogous", So1id State Commun. 65, 757 (1988).
  71. K.N. Yang, S.E. Lambert, M.B. Maple and H.C. Ku, "Low Temperature Properties of Pseudoternary R(Rh1-xIrx)4B4 (R= Ho and Dy) Systems", J. Low Temp. Phys. 70, 191 (1988).
  72. S.K. Chen, J.G. Duh and H.C. Ku, "The Structural and Magnetic Properties of Pseudoternary Compounds Nd2(Fe1-xCux)14B", J. Appl. Phys. 63, 2739 (1988).
  73. H.C. Ku, S.W. Hsu and S.Y. Tsaur, "Systematic of Superconductivity in the
  74. La2-xCuO4-d and (La2-xCax)CuO4-d Systems", Physica C153-155, 922 (1988).
  75. H.C. Ku, J.R Hwang and M.F. Tai, "Superconducting Transitions of the (Yb,Lu,Sc)Ba2Cu3O7-y Systems", Physics C153-155, 920 (1988).
  76. S.W. Hsu and H.C. Ku, "Ferromagnetic Enhancement in the Hexagonal
  77. Ce(Rh1-xIrx)3B2 System", Phys. Rev. B38, 2944 (1988).
  78. S.W. Hsu, S.Y. Traur and H.C. Ku, "Effect of Oxygen on Filamentary Superconductivity of the La2-xCuO4-d System", Phy. Rev. B38, 856 (1988).
  79. R.N. Shelton, P. Klavins, W.H. Lee and H.C. Ku, "Evolution of Ferromagnetism from the Heavy Fermion State in CePtxSi (0.7 £ x £ 1.0)", Physica C153-155, 447 (1988).
  80. S.W. Hsu, M.F. Tai, J.R. Hwang, H.C. Ku and W.N. Wang, "Meissner Effect of High Tc Superconductors (La,Sr)2CuO4, YBa2Cu3O7, Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8 and TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O", Proceedings of 4th Annual Symposium on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials p.276 (1988).
  81. J.R. Hwang, M.F. Tai and H.C. Ku, "Lack of Disorder Scattering in Normal State Electrical Resistivity of the Pseudoquaternary Superconducting System
  82. (Yl-xYbx)Ba2Cu3O7-d", ibid. p.283 (1988).
  83. S.K. Chen, J.G. Duh and H.C. Ku, "Structural and Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Iron Borides (Ndl-xScx)2Fel4B and (Y1-xScx)2Fel4B", ibid. p.52 (1988).
  84. T.T. Fang, M.S. Wu and H.C. Ku, "Synthesis of LaBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductors by Partially Oxalate Method", ibid. p.334 (1988).
  85. W.H. Lee, H.C. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Evolution of Heavy Fermion Behavior in the Series CePtxSi: A Ferromagnetic Dense Kondo System", Phys. Rev. B38, 11562 (1988).
  86. S.K. Chen and J.G. Duh and H.C. Ku, "Magnetic and Crystallographic Properties of the Permanent Magnet System (R1-xScx)2Fel4B (R= Y, Nd, Dy, Er, Lu), J. Appl. Phys. 64, 5546 (1988).
  87. M.F. Tai, S.W. Hsu, H.C. Ku and W.N. Wang, "Transport and Low Field Magnetic Properties of Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8-d and Tl0.8Ca2Ba2Cu3O8+d", Modern Phys. Lett B2, 1067 (1988),
  88. W.N. Wang, H.B. Lu, W.J. Lin, P.C. Pao, H.E. Hsu, M.F. Tai and H.C. Ku, "Formation of High Tc YBa2Cu3O7-d on Y2BaCuO5 Substrate", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 27, L1268 (1988).
  89. K.J. Sun, M. Levy, B.K. Sarma, H.C. Ku, H.D. Yang, R.N. Shelton, R.W. McCallum and P. Klavins, "Ultrasonic Attenuation Measurements on LuBa2Cu3O7 and HoBa2Cu3O7", Modern Phys. Lett. B2, 1279 (1988).
  90. J.R. Hwang, M.F. Tai, H.C. Ku, W.N. Wang and K.H. Lii, "Transport Properties of the Rare Earth Disordered Systems (Rl-xYbx)Ba2Cu3O7-d (R= Y, Sm)", Inter. J. Modern Phys. B2, 1395 (1988).
  91. H.C. Ku, C.C. Chen and S.W. Hsu, "Superconductivity of the Pr-Subsitituted
  92. (Ndl-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7-d System", Inter. J. Modern Phys. B2, 1411 (1988).
  93. M.F. Tai, W.N. Wang and H.C. Ku, "Bulk Superconductivity in the New Orthorhombie (Tl,Pb)-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 27, L2287 (1988).
  94. W.H. Lee, H.C. Ku and R.N. Shelton, "Collective Interactions in Pseudoternary Compounds Based on the Heavy Fermion CePtSi", Chin. J. Phys. 26, S46 (1988).
  95. T.W. Huang, N.C. Wu, M.P. Hung, J.W. Liou, W.N. Wang, S.E. Hsu, P.C. Yao, M.F. Tai, H.C. Ku and T.S. Chin, "Effect of Preparation on the Superconductivity of a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor", J. Mat. Sci. 24, 2319 (1989).
  96. W.N. Wang, M.F. Tai, H.C. Ku, M.J. Shieh, T.Y. Lin, Y.F. Wang, H.B. Lu, P.C. Yao, S.J. Yang and S.E. Hsu, "Effect of Pb-Doping on the Crystal Morphology and Superconducting Properties of the 110 K Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System", Supercond. Sci. and Tech. 2, 55 (1989).
  97. H.C. Ku, M.F. Tai, S.W. Hsu and W.N. Wang, "Superconducting Properties of Bulk and Thin Film Samples of the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O and TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O Systems", High Temperature Superconductivity and Other Related Topics, eds. B.E. Baaquire, C.K. Chew, C.H. Lai, C.H. Oh and K.K. Phua (Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity-Vol 12, World Scientific), p.145 (1989).
  98. M.F. Tai, J.R. Hwang and H.C. Ku, "The Occurrence of Superconductivity in the Ho(Ba2-xSrx)Cu3O7-d System", Modern Phys. Lett. B3, 225 (1989).
  99. T.S. Chin, W.C. Chang, H.C. Ku, C.C. Weng, H.T. Lee and M.P. Hung, "Structure and Magnetic Properties of the ThMn12 Type NdFeM Alloys (M= Si/Al/B/Transition Metals)", IEEE Trans. Magn. 25, 3300 (1989).
  100. G.H. Hwang, J.B. Shi and H.C. Ku, "Superconductivity Enhancement in the
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  102. H.C. Ku, M.F. Tai, J.B. Shi, M.J. Shieh, S.W. Hsu, G.H. Hwang, D.C. Ling, T.J. Watson-Yang and T.Y. Lin, "The Occurrence of the Superconductivity in the TIBa2CuO5-d -type (1021) System", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 28, L923 (1989).
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