

Dr. Chia-Ming Chung

The Hubbard model is a fundamental model to understand the superconductivity
in cuprates. The ground state of the Hubbard model for the moderate
interaction and weak doping has been shown a striped state. We study the
superconductivity (SC) in the Hubbard and the t'-Hubbard model by using
density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and auxiliary field quantum Monte
Carlo (AFQMC). I will first show that the ground state in Hubbard model,
although presents d_{x^2+y^2} pairing, does not have long-range
superconductivity. I will then discuss the pairing in the t'-Hubbard model,
especially related to the recent discovery of quasi-long-range SC in the t'-
Hubbard model on the 4-leg cylinders.

