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Professor Chuu, Chih-Sung



Chuu, Chih-Sung
Office:886-3-5742548 (PHYS R230)
Lab Tel:886-3-5715131 ext.33265 (PHYS R011) 

Research Fields

Quantum Optics, Quantum Information, Applied Physics


  • 2001–2006, Ph.D. in Physics, The University of Texas at Austin,  USA.
  • 1995–1999, B.S. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

Professional Experience

Current position

  • 2024–present,  Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


  • 2018–2024, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
  • 2012–2018, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
  • 2012, Visiting Scholar, Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, USA
  • 2008–2012, Postdoctoral research fellow, Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, USA.
  • 2007–2008, Postdoctoral research fellow, Institute of Physics,  University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Research Interests and achievement

Our research is focused on generating single and entangled photons and manipulating the photon-matter interaction. Single photons are wavepackets of light energy quanta and no-cloning property. Entangled photons, on the other hand, are photon pairs with “spooky action at a distance” quoted by Einstein. With unique quantum properties, they are both essential to realizing quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum teleportation, and to understanding quantum mechanics.

We seek to develop applications with single and entangled photons and to study the analogue between the photonic system and other physical systems by manipulating their quantum property. We use optical methods and lasers in experiments and build theoretical models to explain our observations. Our material systems include solid-state, semiconductor, or cold atom systems. This research area leads to applications as well as fundamental interests.


Selected Publications

  1. [2025] J.-K. Lin, T.-H. Chien, C.-T. Wu, R. Chinnarasu, S. Du, I. A. Yu, and C.-S. Chuu, "Observation of subnatural-linewidth biphotons in a two-level atomic ensemble," Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 043602 (2025).
  2. [2024] H.-C. Weng and C.-S. Chuu, "Implementation of Shor's algorithm with a single photon in 32 dimensions," Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034003 (2024).
  3. [2023] Y.-C. Kao, S.-H. Huang, C.-H. Chang, C.-H. Wu, S.-H. Chu, J. Jiang, A.-C. Zhang, S.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Yen, K.-M. Feng, and C.-S. Chuu, "Field Test of Quantum Key Distribution with High Key Creation Efficiency," Opt. Express 31, 30239 (2023).
  4. [2021] C.-S. Chuu, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, C.-Y. Wei, S.-Y. Huang, S.-W. Feng, Y.-R. Chen, and C.-Y. Yang, "Purification of Single and Entangled Photons by Wavepacket Shaping," Adv. Quan. Technol. 4, 2000122 (2021).
  5. [2019] C.-H. Wu, C.-K. Liu, Y.-C. Chen, and C.-S. Chuu, “Revival of Quantum Interference by Modulating the Biphotons,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 143601 (2019).
  6. [2017] S.-W. Feng, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Wei, J.-H. Yang, Y.-R. Chen, Y.-W. Chuang, Y.-H. Fan, and C.-S. Chuu, "Purification of single photons from room-temperature quantum dots," Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 143601 (2017).
  7. [2015] C.-S. Chuu and S. Du, "Narrowband Biphotons: Generation, Manipulation, and Applications, Invited book chapter in Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction," edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchell, Springer International Publishing (2015).
  8. [2012] S. Zhang, C. Liu, S. Zhou, C.-S. Chuu, M. M. T. Loy, and S. Du, “Coherent Control of Single-Photon Absorption and Reemission in a Two-Level Atomic Ensemble,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 263601 (2012).
  9. [2010] C. Belthangady, C.-S. Chuu, I.A. Yu, G.Y. Yin, and S.E. Harris, “Hiding Single Photons with Spread Spectrum Technology,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 223601 (2010).
  10. [2009] B. Zhao, Y.-A. Chen, X.-H. Bao, T. Strassel, C.-S. Chuu, X.-M. Jin, J. Schmiedmayer, Z.-S. Yuan, S. Chen, and J.-W. Pan, “A Millisecond Quantum Memory for Scalable Quantum Networks,” Nature Physics 5, 95 (2009).
  11. [2008] C.-S. Chuu, T. Strassel, B. Zhao, M. Koch, Y.-A. Chen, S. Chen, Z.-S. Yuan, J. Schmiedmayer, and J.-W. Pan, “Quantum Memory with Optically Trapped Atoms,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120501 (2008).
  12. [2008] Y.-A. Chen, S. Chen, Z.-S. Yuan, B. Zhao, C.-S. Chuu, J. Schmiedmayer, and J.-W. Pan, “Memory-Bullt-in Quantum Teleportation with Photonics and Atomic Qubits,” Nature Physics 4, 103 (2008).
  13. [2005] C.-S. Chuu, F. Schreck, T.P. Meyrath, J.L. Hanssen, G.N. Price, and M.G. Raizen, “Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Number Statistics in a Degenerate Bose Gas,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 260403 (2005).


All Publications

  1. [2025] J.-K. Lin, T.-H. Chien, C.-T. Wu, R. Chinnarasu, S. Du, I. A. Yu, and C.-S. Chuu, "Observation of subnatural-linewidth biphotons in a two-level atomic ensemble," Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 043602 (2025).
  2. [2025] 陳彥儒、褚志崧, "破解駭客和密鑰分發限制:量子加密通訊網路," 科學月刊661期, 32 (2025).
  3. [2025] W.-K. Huang, B. Kim, T.-J. Shih, C.-Y. Hsu, P.-Y. Tu, T.-Y. Lin, Y.-F. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, I. A. Yu, "Time-reversed biphoton source of the double-Λ spontaneous four-wave mixing process," Quantum Sci. Technol. 10, 015062 (2025).
  4. [2024] 褚志崧, "量子通訊系統發展趨勢、挑戰及對策," 前瞻科技與管理13期1卷, 47 (2024).
  5. [2024] H.-C. Weng and C.-S. Chuu, "Implementation of Shor's algorithm with a single photon in 32 dimensions," Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034003 (2024).
  6. [2024] W.-T. Kao, C.-Y. Huang, T.-J. Tsai, S.-H. Chen, S.-Y. Sun, Y.-C. Li, T.-L. Liao, C.-S. Chuu, H. Lu, C.-M. Li, "Scalable Determination of Multipartite Entanglement in Quantum Networks, " npj Quantum Inf. 10, 73 (2024).
  7. [2024] J.-S. Shiu, Z.-Y. Liu, C.-Y. Cheng, Y.-C. Huang, I. A. Yu, Y.-C. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, C.-M. Li, S.-Y. Wang, and Y.-F. Chen, "Observation of highly correlated ultrabright biphotons through increased atomic ensemble density in spontaneous four-wave mixing, " Phys. Rev. Research 6, L032001 (2024).
  8. [2024] C.-Y. Yang, C.-Y. Wang, K.-H. Lin, T.-Y. Tsai, C.-C. Lin, C. Canalias, L.-B. Wang, A. Yabushita, and C.-S. Chuu, "Compact Polarization-Entangled Photon Source Based on Coexisting Noncritically Birefringent and Quasi Phase Matching in a Nonlinear Crystal," Opt. Express 32, 29436 (2024).
  9. [2024] C.‐A. Chen, P.-H. Chen, Y.-X. Zheng, C.-H. Chen, M.-K. Hsu, K.-C. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lai, C.-S. Chuu, H. Deng, and Y.-H. Lee, "Tunable Single-Photon Emission with Wafer-scale Plasmonic Array," Nano Lett. 24, 3395 (2024).
  10. [2024] Y. -T. Cheng, C. -H. Chien, K. -M. Hsieh, Y. -H. Huang, P. Y. Wen, W. -J. Lin, Y. Lu, F. Aziz, C. -P. Lee, K. -T. Lin, C. -Y. Chen, J. C. Chen, C. -S. Chuu, A. F. Kockum, G. -D. Lin, Y. -H. Lin, I. -C. Hoi, "Tuning atom-field interaction via phase shaping," Phys. Rev. A 109, 023705 (2024).
  11. [2023] Y.-C. Kao, S.-H. Huang, C.-H. Chang, C.-H. Wu, S.-H. Chu, J. Jiang, A.-C. Zhang, S.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Yen, K.-M. Feng, and C.-S. Chuu, "Field Test of Quantum Key Distribution with High Key Creation Efficiency," Opt. Express 31, 30239 (2023).
  12. [2023] 鄭畯元、褚志崧, "2022諾貝爾物理獎:量子糾纏與它們的產地," 物理雙月刊 45期1卷 (2023).
  13. [2022] Y.-S. Wang, K.-B. Li, C.-F. Chang, T.-W. Lin, J.-Q. Li, S.-S. Hsiao, J.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Lai, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, I. A. Yu, "Temporally-ultralong biphotons with a linewidth of 50 kHz," APL Photonics 7, 126102 (2022).
  14. [2022] W.-J. Lin, Y. Lu, P. Y. Wen, Y.-T. Cheng, C.-P. Lee, K. T. Lin, K. H. Chiang, M. C. Hsieh, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chien, J. J. Lin, J.-C. Chen, Y. H. Lin, C.-S. Chuu, F. Nori, A. F. Kockum, G. D. Lin, P. Delsing, and I.-C. Hoi, "Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform," Nano Lett. 22, 8137 (2022).
  15. [2022] J.-M. Chen, C.-Y. Hsu, W.-K. Huang, S.-S. Hsiao, F.-C. Huang, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, I. A. Yu, "Room-temperature biphoton source with a spectral brightness near the ultimate limit," Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023132 (2022).
  16. [2021] H.-Y. Ku, H.-C. Weng, Y.-A. Shih, P.-C. Kuo, N. Lambert, F. Nori, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-N. Chen, "Hidden nonmacrorealism: reviving Leggett-Garg inequality with stochastic operations," Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043083 (2021).
  17. [2021] B.-W. Hsu, Y.-T. Chuang, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, A. Brumberg, L. Yang, Y.-S. Huang, R. Schaller, L.-J. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, H.-W. Lin, "Very Robust Spray-Synthesized CsPbI3 Quantum Emitters with Ultrahigh Room-Temperature Cavity-Free Brightness and Self-Healing Ability," ACS Nano 15, 11358 (2021).
  18. [2021] Y.-R. Chen and C.-S. Chuu, "Manipulation of Multipartite Entanglement in an Array of Quantum Dots," Opt. Express 29, 19796 (2021).
  19. [2021] C.-S. Chuu, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, C.-Y. Wei, S.-Y. Huang, S.-W. Feng, Y.-R. Chen, and C.-Y. Yang, "Purification of Single and Entangled Photons by Wavepacket Shaping," Adv. Quan. Technol. 4, 2000122 (2021).
  20. [2021] C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-S. Wang, J.-M. Chen, F.-C. Huang, Y.-T. Ke, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K.-L. Chao, S.-S. Hsiao, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, and I. A. Yu, "Generation of sub-MHz and spectrally-bright biphotons from hot atomic vapors with a phase mismatch-free scheme," Opt. Express. 29, 4632 (2021).
  21. [2020] C.-Y. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Y.-J. Chen, C.-H. Wu, C.-N. Wang, and C.-S. Chuu, "Time-resolved detection of photon-surface-plasmon coupling at the single-quanta level," Phys. Rev. A 102, 033724 (2020).
  22. [2020] R. Chinnarasu, C.-Y. Liu, Y.-F. Ding, C.-Y. Lee, T.-H. Hsieh, I. A. Yu, and C.-S. Chuu, "Efficient Generation of Subnatural-Linewidth Biphotons by Controlled Quantum Interference," Phys. Rev. A 101, 063837 (2020).
  23. [2019] C.-H. Wu, C.-K. Liu, Y.-C. Chen, and C.-S. Chuu, "Revival of Quantum Interference by Modulating the Biphotons," Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 143601 (2019).
  24. [2017] S.-W. Feng, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Wei, J.-H. Yang, Y.-R. Chen, Y.-W. Chuang, Y.-H. Fan, and C.-S. Chuu, "Purification of single photons from room-temperature quantum dots," Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 143601 (2017).
  25. [2017] C.-H. Wu, T.-Y. Wu, Y.-C. Yeh, P.-H. Liu, C.-H. Chang, C.-K. Liu, T. Cheng, and C.-S. Chuu, "Bright single photons for light-matter interaction," Phys. Rev. A 96, 023811 (2017).
  26. [2016] W.-M. Su, R. Chinnarasu, C.-H. Kuo, and C.-S. Chuu, "Shaping single photons and biphotons by inherent losses," Phys. Rev. A 94, 033805 (2016).
  27. [2016] C.-Y. Yang, C. Lin, C. Liljestrand, W.-M. Su, C. Canalias, and C.-S. Chuu, "Parametric down-conversion with nonideal and random quasi-phase-matching, " Scientific Reports 6, 26079 (2016).
  28. [2015] C.-S. Chuu and S. Du, "Narrowband Biphotons: Generation, Manipulation, and Applications, Invited book chapter in Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction," edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchell, Springer International Publishing (2015).
  29. [2013] 褚志崧, "2012物理諾貝爾獎得主Serge Haroche研究簡介," 物理雙月刊 35期1卷, 12 (2013).
  30. [2012] S. Zhang, C. Liu, S. Zhou, C.-S. Chuu, M. M. T. Loy, and S. Du, "Coherent Control of Single-Photon Absorption and Reemission in a Two-Level Atomic Ensemble," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 263601 (2012).
  31. [2012] C.-S. Chuu, G.Y. Yin, and S. E. Harris, "A Miniature Ultrabright Source of Temporally Long, Narrowband Biphotons," Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 051108 (2012).
  32. [2011] C.-S. Chuu and S. E. Harris, “Ultrabright Backward-wave Biphoton Source,”Phys. Rev. A 83, 061803(R) (2011).
  33. [2010] C. Belthangady, C.-S. Chuu, I.A. Yu, G.Y. Yin, and S.E. Harris, “Hiding Single Photons with Spread Spectrum Technology,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 223601 (2010).
  34. [2009] C.-S. Chuu and C. Zhang, “Suppression of Phase Decoherence in a Single Atomic Qubits,” Phys. Rev. A 80, 032307 (2009).
  35. [2009] C. Belthangady, S. Du, C.-S. Chuu, G.Y. Yin, and S.E. Harris, “Modulation and Measurement of Time-Energy Entangled Photons,” Phys. Rev. A 80, 031803(R) (2009).
  36. [2009] B. Zhao, Y.-A. Chen, X.-H. Bao, T. Strassel, C.-S. Chuu, X.-M. Jin, J. Schmiedmayer, Z.-S. Yuan, S. Chen, and J.-W. Pan, “A Millisecond Quantum Memory for Scalable Quantum Networks,” Nature Physics 5, 95 (2009).
  37. [2008] C.-S. Chuu, T. Strassel, B. Zhao, M. Koch, Y.-A. Chen, S. Chen, Z.-S. Yuan, J. Schmiedmayer, and J.-W. Pan, “Quantum Memory with Optically Trapped Atoms,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120501 (2008).
  38. [2008] Y.-A. Chen, S. Chen, Z.-S. Yuan, B. Zhao, C.-S. Chuu, J. Schmiedmayer, and J.-W. Pan, “Memory-Bullt-in Quantum Teleportation with Photonics and Atomic Qubits,” Nature Physics 4, 103 (2008).
  39. [2005] C.-S. Chuu, F. Schreck, T.P. Meyrath, J.L. Hanssen, G.N. Price, and M.G. Raizen, “Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Number Statistics in a Degenerate Bose Gas,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 260403 (2005).
  40. [2005] T.P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J.L. Hanssen, C.-S. Chuu, and M.G. Raizen, “Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Box,” Phys. Rev. A 71, 04160(R) (2005).
  41. [2005] T.P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J.L. Hanssen, C.-S. Chuu, and M.G. Raizen, A High Frequency Optical Trap for Atoms Using Hermite-Gaussian Beams, Opt. Express 13, 2843 (2005).
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