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Associate Professor Chang,We-Fu

Associate Professor
Office:42555(GII-B R517) 

  1. Ph. D. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University, R.O.C. (2002)
  Professional Experience
Current position:
  1. 2011/8-present, Associate Professor of The Physics Department, National Tsing Hua University

  1. 2011/8-present, Associate Professor of The Physics 
    Department, National Tsing Hua University
  2. 2006/8-2011/7 Assistant Professor of The Physics Department, National Tsing Hua University
  3. 2004-2006, Postdoc of Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
  4. 2001-2004, Postdoc of TRIUMF/Theory Group
  5. 2000-2001, Postdoc of Physics, National Tsing Hua University
  Research Fields
  1. Particle Physics Phenomenology
  2. Neutrino
  3. Four dimensional and higher dimensional Space Model
  4. CP violation
  Research Interests and achievement
Updated on September 3, 2006 

My research field is theoretical high energy physics, more specifically, the physics beyond the so called Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. The SM has been considered the most successful theory so far in describing the properties and interaction of all fundamental particles in nature. However it can only be regarded as a low energy effective theory for it does not answer many fundamental problems. To name few, the origin of the SU(2)×U(1) symmetry breaking, flavor problem, and the origin of CP violation. Just in past few years, for the first time, we have observed convincing evidences of new physics beyond the SM: Many experiments show that neutrinos are massive and they exhibit unexpected flavor mixing pattern. In addition, the accumulating data in experimental cosmology has indicated that more than 95% of the universe is made up of unknown matter and energy. All the above mentioned require new physics beyond the SM. I am interested in exploring the potential candidates for new physics and studying their phenomenological implications.

The relevant keywords for my research interests include: CP violation, electric dipole moment, supersymmetry, GUT, electroweak precision tests, neutrino mass, flavor physics, and extra dimension models. Recently, my attention has also been drawn to dark matter, dark energy, and the LHC phenomenology.

  Selected Publications
  1. [2006] WFC, J.N. Ng and J. Wu, A Very Narrow Shadow Extra Z-boson at Colliders, Phys.Rev.D74, 095005(2006).
  2. [2005] WFC and J.N. Ng, An effective operators analysis of leptonic CP violation: Bridging high and low energy processes, JHEP0510, 091 (2005).
  3. [2005] D. Chang, WFC and W.Y. Keung, Electric dipole moment in the split supersymmetry models, Phys.Rev.D71, 076006 (2005).
  4. [2003] C.H. Chang, WFC and J.N. Ng, Neutrino masses in a 5D SU(3)W TeV unification model, Phys.Lett.B558, 92 (2003).
  5. [2002] WFC and J.N. Ng, CP violation in 5D split fermions scenario, JHEP0212, 077 (2002).
  6. [2002] D. Chang, WFC and W.Y. Keung, New constraint from electric dipole moments on chargino baryogenesis in MSSM, Phys.Rev.D66, 116008 (2002).
  7. [2000] D. Chang, WFC and W.Y. Keung, Additional two loop contributions to electric dipole moments in supersymmetric theories, Phys.Lett.B478,239(2000)
  8. [1999] D.Chang, WFC and E. Ma, Alternative interpretation of the Tevatron top events, Phys.Rev.D59, 091503(1999)
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