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Jiang, Ing-Guey
Office:886-3-5742558 (R505, General Building II) 
Laboratory:Sky Survey Group
Lab Tel:886-3-5742558 (R505, General Building II)


  1. Ph.D. in Physics, University of Oxford (1999)
  Professional Experience
Current position:
  1. 2016/8-present, Professor  of Physics, National Tsing Hua University
  1. 2009/8-2016/7,Associate Professor  of Physics, National Tsing Hua University
  2. 2006/8-2009/7,present, Assistant Professor of Physics, National Tsing Hua University
  3. 2001/8 -2006/7, Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University
  4. Postdoc of Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Academia Sinica
  Research Fields
    1. Astrophysics (Experiments & Simulations)
  Research Interests and achievement
Updated on September 3, 2006 

(A) The Drag-Induced Resonant Capture in Planetary Systems
We investigated the effect of proto-stellar discs on the resonance capture. Our results show that the gaseous drag of a proto-stellar disc can trap small bodies into the 3:2 resonance rather easily.

(B) The Tidal Interaction of Close-In Planets
It has been shown that there is a possible mass-period correlation for extrasolar planets from the current observational data and this correlation is, in fact, related to the absence of massive close-in planets, which are strongly influenced by the tidal interaction with the central star. We determine the minimum possible semimajor axis for these planets to be detected during their lifetime and also study their migration time scale at different semimajor axes by the calculations of tidal interaction.

(C) The Brown Dwarf Formation
Jiang et al. (2003) propose that brown dwarfs are formed in the circumbinary disks.Through post-formation dynamical interaction with their host binary stars,young brown dwarfs are either scattered to large distance or removed, with modest speed, from their cradles.

(D) Galactic Satellite Dynamics: 
In Jiang & Binney (2000), possible orbital histories of the Sgr dwarf galaxy are explored. We found that the friction from the dark matter plays an important role.

(E) Galactic Structure
In Jiang & Binney (1999), N-body simulations show that when infall reorientates the outer parts of a galactic halo by several degrees per Gyr, a self-gravitating disk that is embedded in the halo develops an integral-sign warp that is comparable in amplitude to observed warps. Studies of angular-momentum acquisition suggest that the required rate of halo reorientation is realistic for galaxies like the Milky Way.

  Selected Publications
  1. [2006] Jiang, I.-G., Yeh, L-C, “On the Chermnykh-Like Problems: I. The Mass Parameter u=0.5”, Astrophysics and Space Science (accepted) (2006).
  2. [2006] Yeh, L.-C, Jiang, I.-G. “On the Chermnykh-Like Problems: II. The Equilibrium Points”, Astrophysics and Space Science (accepted) (2006).
  3. [2006] Jiang, I.-G, Yeh, L.-C, Hung, W.-L, Yang, M.- S, “The Application of Similarity-Based Robust Clustering on the Extra-solar Planet”, MNRAS, 370, 1379 (2006).
  4. [2004] Jiang, I. -G., Yeh, L. -C, “The drag-induced resonant capture for Kuiper Belt objects” , MNRAS,355,L29 (2004).
  5. [2004] Jiang, I.-G., Laughlin, G., Lin, D.N.C., “On the Formation of Brown Dwarfs”, AJ, 127,455 (2004).
  6. [2000] Jiang, I.-G., Binney, J., “The Orbit and Mass of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy” , MNRAS, 314, 468 (2000).
  7. [1999] Jiang,I.-G., Binney, J., “Warps and Cosmic Infall” MNRAS, 303, L7 (1999).
  8. [1998] Binney,J., Jiang, I.-G., Dutta, S.N., “The Persistence of Warps in Spiral Galaxies with Massive Halos” MNRAS,297,1237 (1998).


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